
Our Approach

During the Bronx Excellence school day, scholars are asked to make choices, express their reasoning and to take responsibility for their own learning and behavior. Teachers design group projects and prepare personalized work based on informed data and observation of each scholar’s progress. Teachers also plan flexibly so that the interests of their class can evolve throughout the school year. 

Bronx Excellence prides itself on preparing scholars in the core subjects of science and history, and dedicates up to two hours of the school day to both math and English language arts. We believe each subject should be fully learned and respected which is why Bronx Excellence 5 insists on traditional study halls, subject blocks, longer school days, as well as Saturday Academy and standardized test prep.  

The Excellence Model

Behavioral Standards
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Our schools cultivate a nurturing, yet highly accountable learning environment. Reduced student-to-teacher ratios allow more frequent and personalized interactions between students and staff members.

Extended School Days
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A longer school day allows us to provide instruction in core subjects and well-rounded educational enrichment. Students receive lessons in a safe, reliable learning environment.

Family and Community Engagement
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Our schools promote collaboration and engagement with our families and communities to support our scholars. Parents play an active role within the school community, and we build partnerships with local businesses and organizations to support our initiatives.

Flexible Learning Groups
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Our program is designed to engage students through a challenging curriculum and supportive learning environment. We offer flexible and easily adaptable learning groups that are tailored to each child’s specific needs.

High Academic Standards
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Our rigorous academic program is aimed at supporting all children in reaching their maximum potential. Every child has a personalized learning plan that tracks achievements, strengths, areas of improvement, goals, and progress.

Liberal Arts Curriculum
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Our schools provide instruction in the core subject areas of language arts, math, science and social studies, as well as classes in music, art, dance, physical education, foreign language, and technology to promote foundational academic knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Mandatory School Uniforms
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School uniforms help to reduce socio-economic tensions that might otherwise distract students from learning, while providing a public symbol of unity and pride.

Organizational Learning
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We are committed to the development of our staff and to building leadership within our organization. We ensure that our employees receive extensive professional development which contributes to the overall success of our schools and community.

Our Teams

Excellence Community Schools offers departmental support to our scholars to help ensure their success both inside and outside of the classroom. 


The Academics Department collaborates with our school leaders, teachers, parents, and community members to provide a high-quality education for all our scholars. We create a supportive environment in which empathy, positive interactions, responsible decision-making, self-confidence and self-awareness are nurtured. We set high expectations and implement engaging and research-based instructional strategies that are continually monitored and adjusted to meet the needs of our learners.

Family and Community Engagement

Family and Community Engagement (FACE) leverages school partnerships with families and local communities to invest in the development of our scholars.

FACE has worked with community partners like Cool Culture, Little Flower Yoga, and Urban Advantage to provide scholars with exciting learning opportunities. 

Student Advancement

Student Advancement is the partnership between the High School Placement and Alumni Relations teams. 

High School Placement (HSP) provides a roadmap for scholars to explore future opportunities available to them at the secondary education level. 

Alumni Relations (AR) provides direct guidance in connecting scholars to opportunities like our alumni internship program, high school and college scholarship opportunities, continuous learning workshops and alumni association events.

STEM and Innovations

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) and Innovations introduces scholars to computer science curriculum as early as Pre-K at Stamford Excellence and Kindergarten at our Bronx Excellence schools.  

Beyond the classroom, the STEM and Innovations team has successfully established partnerships with top technology companies, medical schools, and research facilities to give our scholars opportunities to distinguish themselves. Partners include Albert Einstein Medical College of Medicine’s Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) and Google’s Code-Next program.